Create a notification when process fails

Is it possible to create a notification for one "supervisor" type user when one of the processes fails (no matter who started it)? As it is now, failures are shown in the process log but you don't get informed that you should look into it.

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Dear Carlos,

Unfortunately, there are no such pre-configured notifications, however you can install an application from our marketplace that will add a new detail 'Process' to the system, which will be tracking the statuses of your business processes.

After that you can make up a dashboard that will reflect the status of your business process by connecting it with that detail. Another option - you can create a new business process that will track this detail by 'failed' status.

For example, once your business process is failed you will receive an email notification. 

Here is the link to the application:

Best regards,


The idea of creating a process that checks process log periodically seems ok, but it would mean that users are not notified about errors immediately. I tried to create a process that waits for SysProcessLog record creation or change of statuses to Error but it hasn't worked. It seems that inserts or updates to SysProcessLog table don't produce signals. Is there a workaround for that?

Dear Carlos,

Unfortunately, as for now the SysProcessLog table doesn't give the signal. The only option is to use the MarketPlace application a solution. Our system logic is still being developed and improved and most likely this functionality will be implemented in the upcoming system updates.

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Ok, thank you for the info.

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