Hi Team,
I need to create a custom component like 'input-field with button' (img 1). On clicking the button, a modal will be shown, user can select multiple or all option & selected values will be displayed in input field.
On Clicking 'Select Owner' button, a modal is opened to select records to show in 'Multi-Owner' field. (img 2)
For now, Above functionality is done through the code. For this I referred article
Invoking a Multi-Select Lookup Dialog on a Creatio Freedom UI Page | Customer FX
But I want to create a custom component that reside in 'component' or 'widget' of Page-Designer (Left hand side). So that we can use that component using drag-drop approach like any other tool such as Button, Bar etc.
Platofrm: Creatio:Energy (Freedom UI)
This would be nice to be able to do in this way, but I think currently the only way is to build a custom Angular component by following this documentation: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/front-end-development/freedom-ui/remote-module/implement-a-remote-module/overview
Or you can create a Classic UI component (Ext.js) and add that to a Freedom UI page via the page code, as seen in this documentation: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/front-end-development/freedom-ui/remote-module/implement-a-custom-component/overview
I haven't done either of these before, as they seem quite involved for the benefits (you would need fairly consistent use cases I expect for it to be reusable without significant development) but those are the only options currently that I know of.
Hi Harvey,
Can we implement the above functionality on cloud instance, or is it only possible on a local instance?
The information by Harvey is the way to do this - you can create a custom component for both local and cloud systems. You can see a walk through creating a custom component using Clio/Clio explorer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE5uETqTsyQ&list=PLnolcTT5TeE2BMFf_XmJrSwpnbcLCLJkb&index=1
However, just to point out, there is now a multiselect component that is available in 8.2.1 and higher that might fit your needs. See https://customerfx.com/article/using-the-new-multiselect-control-in-creatio-8-2-1-and-higher/