Create a CSS stylesheet override


How do you create a css stylesheet override for any part of the system (front-end) ? I found older articles but they were more logic driven.



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Dear Ryan,

Please use this article:

You can ignore the part about conditions so that the CSS style should work as soon as you add it to the module after define.

Best regards,



This didn't seem to work.

I created the module, gave it a title and a name, package "custom", added my css into the "LESS" area, saved it all, recompiled to make sure and no results.

This is what i tried:

.ts-sidebar-item-wrapper:hover {background-color:#f3b444;}

Please advise.




Dear Ryan,

Please follow the instructions form the topic I sent to you precisely. 

You need to follow the steps 1-3 but in the step 3 it is not obligatory to set any condition. 

Best regards,


Hi Ryan, 


I am trying to do the same thing as you right now, and I went through the documentation that Lily pointed out but i can not get it to work. 

Did you get your css style sheet to over ride the generic one, and if so how?


Thank you in advance

Hi Philip,

No I wasn't able to get it to work.  I tried those instructions multiple times. I assume there is a step missing out of the documentation.



Could you show us how to change the color of a field name without an business logic? It seems both Ryan and I are confused. There are probably others as well who have not said anything but are wondering that same thing. 

This would be greatly appreciated! :)   

I took another look at this and i think the problem is targeting the base view of the system instead of a page area like "opportunity". I created my own custom module name which may be wrong. 


Dear Ryan,

You need to create a new module with any name, then you need to create a replacing module that will have the default name of some page when you choose the parent object. That's why it is better to apply any changes in Section wizard on the page that you want to modify to make this replacing module be created automatically. Then you connect your css (new module) to the page with the help of code.

Philip, there is one more article about CSS style in bpm'online. It may be helpful:

Best regards,


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