Contact connected to, vertical alignment

what setting controls if a contact connected to is displayed horizontally or vertically? All of them are coming in as horizontal connections but we would like them to apply vertically.


Thank you

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Hello Tyler,


The hierarchy can be set up in the Organizational roles section. Organizational roles are user groups that represent company units, departments, or subdivisions in the organizational structure. More detailed information can be found in the User management - Organizational roles Academy article. 


Otherwise, you can create a relationship diagram directly on the Contact page that will show all internal and external contact and account relationships as a chart. The relationships can be depicted with either a vertical hierarchy or a horizontal connection. Please take a look at the Relationships between accounts and contacts Academy article. 


Best regards, 



Thanks for the reply

After looking through the articles what I see I need is a relationship type of "Direct Connection", although when I select a relationship that has the type "Direct Connection" it still displays horizontally.

Why is this?

Tyler Rainey,


A horizontal diagram is displaying informal relationships between contacts, a vertical one - formal relationships. If we set up a formal diagram it has a correct view:



But we would like to pay your attention that this diagram is closely connected to the data in the [Relationship type] lookup. Some relationships do not have connections:


Best regards,


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