Complex Requirements for Stage Advancement

Good afternoon,


We are currently trying to tackle a problem with Section Cases. The basic problem is that we want more control over when Stages are allowed to advance and when they aren't, example:


One object serves as a parent object for another, each of these child records should be in a final status before the parent is allowed to advance from Implementation to Closed. How do we go about implementing this? Is there a way, even if it requires some coding, to limit advancement based on complex criteria like this? Specific combinations of fields being complete, or connected records having certain criteria met.


Additionally - using the elements available to us in the Section Case editor can cause problems where if certain criteria require a case to be rolled back to an earlier stage, any activities or any other processes we have set up for that stage will all fire again and create duplicate activity entries and what have you. Has anyone found a way to limit the case elements to only firing the first time a given object reaches that stage? This wouldn't always be necessary but is for some of our cases.



Thanks so much!

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Hello Gary,


Hope you're doing well.


If I understood your question correctly, you can involve business processes for this task. For example, you want to set the condition when the Opportunity record can move to the next stage based on the situation if all related Leads reached, let's say, "Satisified" status. In this case, you will need to create a business process (in the DCM settings it will be available as 'Sub-process (Call Activity)' element), which will read the connected Lead records and checks the condition where the number of records with 'Lead stage' ≠ 'Satisfied' should be equal 0. Then established on the process result move the Opportunity record stage to the appropriate stage.


We suggest checking the following articles:

Best regards,


Hello Gary,


Hope you're doing well.


If I understood your question correctly, you can involve business processes for this task. For example, you want to set the condition when the Opportunity record can move to the next stage based on the situation if all related Leads reached, let's say, "Satisified" status. In this case, you will need to create a business process (in the DCM settings it will be available as 'Sub-process (Call Activity)' element), which will read the connected Lead records and checks the condition where the number of records with 'Lead stage' ≠ 'Satisfied' should be equal 0. Then established on the process result move the Opportunity record stage to the appropriate stage.


We suggest checking the following articles:

Best regards,


Roman Rak,


I used the links above and they helped me. Thank you for that!

But, as Gary wrote when you roll back to an earlier stage it create duplicates for all activities.

This doesn't have to do with complex requirements, also if a user manually go back to an earlier stage it creates new activities.

Any solutions?


Chani Karel,




In this case you can make activities required and complete them while moving through the stages. Alternatively, you can simply complete them without making them required, however it will be more difficult to track as some users could just skip or ignore the activity records. 


Also, as an option, you can improve your business process, that changes the stage of the record to previous one by implementing the steps to read all the activities that are already connected to the record and change their status to "Completed", this way such activity records will be no longer displayed on the Action panel. 


Hope, it clarifies!

Best regards, 


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