"Collection parameters" for Pre-configured page

Dear Community,


Has anybody tried to use "collection parameters" for pre-configured page (the feature implemented in 7.18.1 )?

In documentation it's written "to set up a collection parameter in the page, find the page view model in the [ Configuration ] section by title, 

add the “Serializable list of composite values” parameter with the needed sub-parameters to the model, and code the custom business logic.

So i can add a parameter with type "Serializable list of composite values”  and then map a collection (for ex, from Read element) to this parameter.

But how then to display this data on pre-configured page or to use it in business logic? Is there any example ?


Thank you!

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Hi Anna, 

Indeed, functionality allowing you to pass collections into a pre-configured page was added not so long ago. 

Collection data can be displayed on the page only when there are adjustments made in the code of the page to process and work with a collection of records. 

An example of this page can be found in the bank customer journey product:

“Product selection | ProductSelectionProcessPage” 

And more hints on how to use it in the process are in the respecting academy article:


Kind regards,



hey Anna Stolichnova, I am curious, did you manage to use collection parameters in pre-configured page? I'm struggling right now with the same thing...

Iustina Necula,

No, finally for my task i decided to use a detail with filters on preconfigured page instead of displaying collection.


Best regards,


Anna Stolichnova,

Ok, thanks for your reply.

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