Clone the Print button and apply filter

How do I clone the 'PRINT' button drop down and functionality? I want to create new list of prinatable lets call that PRINT2 and only list certain printables there 


Since we can't have dependent filter based on value of field, I can have predefined filter for those dropdown it will only show them. The reason is we have long list of printables and we want to organize them. Thank you!

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If the system has a lot of printables you could try the approach of adding a lookup to select and run a printable (since then they have a searchable list). I did this for a system a long time ago and worked great. 

I have the code here:

The end result was this:

Also, for the system I did this for, we only checked the "show in edit page" option for the common printables so they still showed in the print menu as a much shorter list, but all the rest were available in the lookup.


Hello Tony,


You can clone Print button and apply filters by following these steps:


1. add the button to your page;

2. add collection attribute and bind button menu items to it


attributes: {
	"CardPrintMenuItemsTest": {
		dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.COLLECTION


diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "TestButton",
		"values": {
			"itemType": 5,
			"caption": "Print Test",
			"style": "blue",
			"controlConfig": {
				"menu": {
					"items": {
						"bindTo": "CardPrintMenuItemsTest"
		"parentName": "LeftContainer",
		"propertyName": "items",
		"index": 10


3. set the value of created collection attribute in the source code


methods: {
	onEntityInitialized: async function() {
		var testStringValue = this.get("UsrTestString");               
		setTimeout(this.initCustomPrintButton(testStringValue), 3000);
	initCustomPrintButton: function(val){
		var printItems = 		this.get(this.moduleCardPrintFormsCollectionName);
               printItems.collection.items = printItems.collection.items.filter(x => x.values.Caption.includes(val));
	this.set("CardPrintMenuItemsTest", printItems);
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