Hi Team,
I have a requirement of changing the first page shown immediately after the login.
I have managed to explore the BaseViewModule schema.
From the BaseViewModule schema it is inferred that getHomePagePath: function() returns the path of the page that has to be loaded.
Here, I have a scenario based on a logged in user value, the display page should be either of these two pages below,
1.#PortalMainPageModule (for one condition)
2.#CardModuleV2/UserPageV2/edit/268b5da7-2ede-4b32-8bbe-9af04721ebba (for another condition) --> Logged in users contact edit page
How could I achieve this by inheriting/extending the BaseViewModule schema, or what development action should be carried out.
Please guide me on this.
Thanks in advance!
Bhoobalan P.
Dear Bhoobalan,
Can you please specify why the "Home page" option in user settings does not suit your task?
Best regards,
Angela Reyes,
Thanks for the precious response!
My scenario here is to check the logged in user's contact "Job title" immediately after the login and based on the value i have to perform the navigation as below.
1. If the logged user contact's "Job Title" field has value filled --> the user has to see the (PortalMainPageModule as the first page after logiin)
2. If the logged in User contact's "Job Title" field value is empty --> the user has to see the edit page of logged in contact (CardModuleV2/UserPageV2/edit/268b5da7-2ede-4b32-8bbe-9af04721ebba (for another condition) --> Logged in users contact edit page)
Please let me know how could i use "Home page" option in user settings in my scenario.
Thanks in advance!
Bhoobalan P.
Bhoobalan Palanivelu,
I would recommend you checking the system setting "DefaultIntroPage", which selects a record from the ApplicationMainMenu object. It should have the field IntroPageUId which contains the main page. You can try to create a schema that will replace this value with the needed option.
Best regards,
Angela Reyes,
Thanks much for the response!
I could not find the systemsetting "DefaultIntroPage".
Also, few clarifications,
1.Which schema has to be replaced or what schema has to created?
2.If it is new schema where it has to be consumed?
3.where my calculation/Condition check has to be operated?
4.How could i override the value of IntroPageUID after my calculation, thats is immediately after the login.
Bhoobalan P.