Case send email from default


I see that when you send an email from the case the from (SenderEnum) does not populate automatically unlike other records. What is the reason for this? Is there a way to make this default?



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Dear Tyler,


The system fills in this value in schema EmailPageV2 from UiV2 package. Check if no custom logic erases it after this function is executed. 


Best regards,


For future readers,

to achieve this functionality create a replacing view model and set the parent object to be "Email Message Publisher Page".

The code I changed to get this to work was 

				_isCaseSchema: function() {
					var recordData = this.getListenerRecordData();
					//return recordData && recordData.relationSchemaName === "Case";
					return false;

The whole schema to be pasted in is 

define("EmailMessagePublisherPage", [],
	function() {
		return {
			entitySchemaName: "Activity",
			messages: {
				 * @message GetColumnsValues
				 * Returns requested column values.
				"GetColumnsValues": {
					mode: this.Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
					direction: this.Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.PUBLISH
				 * @message UpdateEmailSender
				 * Tells that email sender has to be updated.
				"UpdateEmailSender": {
					mode: this.Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
					direction: this.Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE
			methods: {
				 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EmailMessagePublisherPage#init
				 * @overridden
				init: function(callback, scope) {
					this.callParent([function() {
						if (this._isCaseSchema()) {
							this.loadRecipients(this.setSenderMailbox, this);
						this.Ext.callback(callback, scope || this);
					}, this]);
				 * Loads case parent activity recipients.
				 * @private
				 * @param {Function} callback Callback.
				 * @param {Object} scope Scope.
				loadRecipients: function(callback, scope) {
					let recipients = "";
					const esq = this.createRecipientsEsq();
					esq.getEntityCollection(function(response) {
						if (response.success && response.collection.getCount()) {
							const caseItem = response.collection.getItems()[0];
							const array = [];
							this._addIfHasValue(array, caseItem.get("Recipient"));
							this._addIfHasValue(array, caseItem.get("CC"));
							this._addIfHasValue(array, caseItem.get("BCC"));
							if (array.length > 0) {
								recipients = array.join(";");
						this.set("Recipients", this.isEmpty(recipients) ? this.$Recepient : recipients);
						if (this.Ext.isFunction(callback)) { || this);
					}, this);
				 * @private
				_addIfHasValue: function(array, value) {
					if (value) {
				 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EmailMessagePublisherPage#setRecipientFromHistoryPage
				 * @overridden
				setRecipientFromHistoryPage: this.Terrasoft.emptyFn,
				 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EmailMessagePublisherPage#onGetMacrosData
				 * @overridden
				onGetMacrosData: function() {
					var recipient = arguments[0].recepient;
					if(!this.Ext.isEmpty(recipient)) {
							this.supportEmailsResponse, this);
				 * Processes response without support emails.
				 * @protected
				 * @virtual
				 * @param {Object} response Response with filtered emails.
				supportEmailsResponse: function(response) {
					var emailsWithoutSupportResult = response.GetEmailsWithoutSupportResult;
					if (this.validateResponse(emailsWithoutSupportResult)) {
						var resultEmails = emailsWithoutSupportResult.resultEmails;
						if (this.isFeatureEmailsSearchDisabled()) {
							this.set("Recepient", resultEmails);
						} else {
							this.setRecipient(resultEmails, "Recipient");
				 * Creates a query to receive case parent activity recipients.
				 * @protected
				 * @virtual
				 * @return {Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery} Entity schema query.
				createRecipientsEsq: function() {
					var caseId = this.getListenerRecordData().relationSchemaRecordId;
					var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
						rootSchemaName: "Case"
					esq.addColumn("ParentActivity.Recepient", "Recipient");
					esq.addColumn("ParentActivity.CopyRecepient", "CC");
					esq.addColumn("ParentActivity.BlindCopyRecepient", "BCC");
					esq.filters.add(esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Id", caseId));
					return esq;
				 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EmailMessagePublisherPage#subscribeMessages
				 * @overridden
				subscribeMessages: function() {
					this.sandbox.subscribe("UpdateEmailSender", this.onUpdateEmailSender, this, []);
				 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EmailMessagePublisherPage#createInsertQueryWithParameters
				 * @overridden
				createInsertQueryWithParameters: function() {
					var insert = this.callParent(arguments);
					insert.setParameterValue("IsNotPublished", true, Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN);
					return insert;
				 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EmailMessagePublisherPage#setDefaultSenderMailbox
				 * @overridden
				 * @remarks This logic doesn't correspond business requirements anymore.
				setDefaultSenderMailbox: function(result) {
					if (!this._isCaseSchema()) {
				 * Email sender updating message handler.
				 * @private
				 * @param {Object} config
				 * @param {Guid} config.contactId Case contact identifier.
				 * @param {Guid} config.categoryId Case category identifier.
				onUpdateEmailSender: function(config) {
					this.obtainMailboxSender(this.get("Recipients"), config.contactId, config.categoryId);
				 * Sets sender mailbox.
				 * @private
				setSenderMailbox: function() {
					var recipients = this.get("Recipients");
					var contact = this.getMasterEntityParameterValue("Contact");
					var contactId = contact && contact.value;
					var category = this.getMasterEntityParameterValue("Category");
					var categoryId = category && category.value;
					this.obtainMailboxSender(recipients, contactId, categoryId);
				 * Returns value of the ViewModel parameter.
				 * @private
				 * @param {String} parameterName Name of the ViewModel parameter.
				 * @return {Object} Value.
				getMasterEntityParameterValue: function(parameterName) {
					var moduleId = this.getDcmActionsDashboardModuleId();
					var result = this.sandbox.publish("GetColumnsValues", [parameterName], [moduleId]);
					return result[parameterName];
				 * Gets DCM actions dashboard module identifier.
				 * @private
				 * @return {String} Module identifier.
				getDcmActionsDashboardModuleId: function() {
					return"_" + this.sandbox.moduleName, "");
				 * Obtains sender mailbox.
				 * @private
				 * @param {String} recipients Email recipients, separated by semicolon.
				 * @param {Guid} contactId Case contact entity identifier.
				 * @param {Guid} categoryId Case category entity identifier.
				obtainMailboxSender: function(recipients, contactId, categoryId) {
					const config = {
						serviceName: "SenderObtainingService",
						methodName: "ObtainSenderMailbox"
					const data = {
						recipients: recipients || ""
					if (contactId) {
						data.contactId = contactId;
					if (categoryId) {
						data.categoryId = categoryId;
					} = data;
					this.callService(config, this.setObtainedSenderMailbox, this);
				 * Sets obtained sender mailbox as an email sender.
				 * @private
				 * @param {Object} response Sender obtaining service response.
				setObtainedSenderMailbox: function(response) {
					var result = response.ObtainSenderMailboxResult;
					if (result.success) {
				 * Gets mailbox by name.
				 * @private
				 * @param {String} mailboxName Mailbox name.
				_getMailboxByName: function(mailboxName) {
					var esq = this.getSenderQuery();
					var nameFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
						this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "MailboxName", mailboxName);
					esq.getEntityCollection(this._handleMailboxByName, this);
				 * Checks if relation schema name is Case.
				 * @returns {Boolean} True, if relation schema is Case.
				 * @private
				_isCaseSchema: function() {
					var recordData = this.getListenerRecordData();
					//return recordData && recordData.relationSchemaName === "Case";
					return false;
				 * Handles entity schema query response with mailboxes filtered by name.
				 * @private
				 * @param {Object} response Entity schema query response.
				_handleMailboxByName: function(response) {
					if (response && response.success && response.collection.getCount() === 1) {
						var mailbox = response.collection.first();
						if (mailbox.$UseSignature && !this.isEmpty(mailbox.$Signature)) {
							this.executeSignatureMacrosServiceRequest(mailbox.$Signature, function(processedSignature) {
								mailbox.$Signature = processedSignature.textTemplate || mailbox.$Signature;
							}, this);
						} else {
				 * Sets sender mailbox to sender enum.
				 * @private
				 * @param {Terrasoft.Entity} mailbox Mailbox entity.
				_setSenderEnum: function(mailbox) {
					var lookupValue = this.getLookupValue(mailbox);
					lookupValue = this.getItemWithSignature(lookupValue, mailbox);
					this.set("SenderEnum", lookupValue);
				 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EmailMessagePublisherPage#executeMacrosHelperServiceRequest
				 * @overridden
				executeMacrosHelperServiceRequest: function(textTemplate, callback, scope) {
					var recordData = this.getListenerRecordData();
					var config = {
						serviceName: "InvokableMacrosHelperService",
						methodName: "GetTextTemplate",
						data: {
							entitySchemaName: recordData.relationSchemaName,
							recordId: recordData.relationSchemaRecordId,
							textTemplate: textTemplate
					this.callService(config, callback, scope || this);
				 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EmailMessagePublisherPage#executeMultiLanguageMacrosHelperServiceRequest
				 * @overridden
				executeMultiLanguageMacrosHelperServiceRequest: function(args, callback, scope) {
					var data = this.getListenerRecordData();
					var serviceRequest = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.MacrosHelperServiceRequest", {
						contractName: "GetMultiLanguageTextTemplate",
						entityId: data.relationSchemaRecordId,
						entityName: data.relationSchemaName,
					serviceRequest.serviceName = "InvokableMacrosHelperService";
					serviceRequest.execute(function(response) { || this, response, args.isReplyTo);
				 * Calls service for getting emails from recipients without support emails.
				 * @protected
				 * @param {String} emails for service.
				 * @param {Function} callback Callback function.
				 * @param {Object} scope Callback function's scope.
				executeSupportEmailsFilterServiceRequest: function(emails, callback, scope) {
					var config = {
						serviceName: "SupportEmailsFilterService",
						methodName: "GetEmailsWithoutSupport",
						data: {
							emails: emails
					this.callService(config, callback, scope || this);
				 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.EmailMessagePublisherPage#processResponse
				 * @overridden
				processResponse: function(response, isReplyTo) {
					if(this.getIsFeatureEnabled("EmailTemplateMultiLanguageInActionDashBoard")) {
						if(response.GetTextTemplateResult) {
						} else {
							this.callParent(arguments, isReplyTo);
					} else {
			diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/


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