Case Registration from Social Media

Can someone please help me with exact steps for the registration of cases in Creatio from below social media platforms?

  1. Instagram
  2. Facebook
  3. Twitter
  4. LinkedIn
  5. WhatsApp


Thank you

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Unfortunately, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn cannot currently be integrated with Creatio using basic tools. 


As for Facebook and WhatsApp, they are only available via chats, and cases can be created manually based on existing conversations.

You can find detailed instructions here: Creatio Academy.


However, our R&D team has already registered a task to evaluate and implement this feature in future releases.


Valeriia Hromova,

Thank you for the updates!

Hi You check this article this might help it not completely automatic, but this can help you use creatio

How to Register Cases from Social Media Platforms in Creatio | AavishkarIT

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