Calling business process with parameters from Anonymous web service


I'm trying to call a bp from a webservice that doesn't use authentication so i'm following the example provided:…

When i try to set the parameter of the  business process i get the following error: 

Terrasoft.Common.InvalidObjectStateException: missing property "UsrNewInsertedEntityId" of type "ProcessComponentSet"
var UserConnection = this.SystemUserConnection;
var manager = UserConnection.ProcessSchemaManager;
var processSchema = manager.GetInstanceByName("UsrIncomingEntity");
var process = processSchema.CreateProcess(UserConnection);
if (processSchema.Parameters.ExistsByName("usrNewInsertedEntityId"))
    process.SetPropertyValue("UsrNewInsertedEntityId", msgId);

Do i need to set anything on the BP process property?

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Hi Luciano, 

Please advise if you created your UsrIncomingEntity business process beforehand and if you added the usrNewInsertedEntityId parameter into it. Make sure you do that first.

If you did it, kindly provide us with the whole code so that we could have a look into it and advise on possible errors.


Hello Luciano,

Basically, the code should work in appropriate way. As S.Kobizka said, you should check that business process with code "UsrIncomingEntity" exists and has  "usrNewInsertedEntityId" parameter. 

Also, I recommend try to choose "compile all" option in configuration, it may help because source code will be regenerated.

If you will have further difficulties, please, send the entire code of webservice and screenshots of the businessprocess.





Thank you both for the answer, the BP exists prior to the webservice as well as the parameter. If i debug the code both the bp and the parameter are available to inspect. As soon as the line:

process.SetPropertyValue("UsrNewInsertedEntityId", msgId);

is executed i get the error.

I'll try the compile all option and then retest to  see if that helps.


Luciano De Munno,


It seems that the reason of the issue is that msgId variable and UsrNewInsertedEntityId parameter in business process have different types. Please make sure that msgId is Guid and UsrNewInsertedEntityId is unique identifier




Hi Alex,

Thank you for the answer, i checked and msgId is a Guid and the parameter UsrNewInsertedEntityId has the type "Unique Identifier". AS far as i know that's the correct type i can try chaning both the string and text and then converting to guid inside the process to see if that helps.

Same thing, now i'm sending a string and expecting a string but the error is the same. 

Hello Luciano,

Here is the example of how to start business process with parameter from server side code.

If you will have further difficulties, please contact support team

using Terrasoft.Core;

using Terrasoft.Core.Process;

using Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration;


ProcessSchema schema = UserConnection.ProcessSchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("LeadManagement");

//schema = UserConnection.ProcessSchemaManager.GetInstanceByUId(leadManagementProcessUId);


//different engines for interpretable and compiled BP

bool canUseFlowEngine = ProcessSchemaManager.GetCanUseFlowEngine(UserConnection, schema);

if(canUseFlowEngine) {

    var flowEngine = new FlowEngine(UserConnection);

    var param = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    param["LeadId"] = Entity.Id.ToString();

    flowEngine.RunProcess(schema, param);

} else {

    Process process = schema.CreateProcess(UserConnection);

    process.SetPropertyValue("LeadId", Entity.Id);



Hi Alex,

The FlowEngine part did the trick. Thank you so much

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