Business Process

Hello All,

I have created one business process on activity. Using that business process i would like to modify date in the custom field on Activity, while doing this i am getting error required fields missing. I dont want to modify other fields except the custom field of date type on Activity.

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Hi Amol,

Unfortunately, we cannot properly diagnose an issue with such a brief description. Please specify your exact steps as well provide a couple of screenshots of the issue.

HI Amol,

After some consideration, I believe I know what might be the cause of this. You are probably trying to update some records that do not have required fields filled in. This could happen with imported records. The mechanism that saves the record is the same in business processes as is the edit pgae. Meaning, if the required value is not filled in, you are unable to save the record.

Please let me know if this is not the case.

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