I have created a Virtual Object called "Validable lookup" inherited from a "Base lookup" (of Base package), added some columns ("Effective date"/"Expiration date") into that. Then I have created a real Object named "Product" inherited from that Virtual Object. So, the inheritance diagram is like:
(Product - real) -> (Validable lookup with 2 additional columns - virtual) -> (Base lookup - virtual)
Now I'm trying to create a lookup in System Designer -> Lookups section. Unfortunately it sees only 2 additional columns (Effective/Expires) and doesn't see base columns "Name" nor "Description".
Screenshot of Lookup Manager:
Screenshot of a manual columns setup:
Both columns actually persist in DB table "...Product".
I'm using Sales Enterprise on PostgreSQL.
Maybe, first thing you did, inherited from 'base object', but then you thought this was wrong parent, changed it to 'Base lookup'. I had this issue.
I did this:
Went to configuration, opened my object (in your case it's 'Validable lookup'), removed parent 'Base lookup', clicked anywhere in empty space, then picked 'Base object' as a parent object, removed it as well, clicked, and returned 'Base lookup' as a parent object again)) Saved, published and that worked for me.
Dear Artur,
We tried to reproduce the issue, however we were not able to face it. The system worked properly on our side. All columns were displayed correctly. Please see the screenshots below:
Please try to compile the application.
For more detailed assistance, please contact technical support.
Best regards,
Maybe, first thing you did, inherited from 'base object', but then you thought this was wrong parent, changed it to 'Base lookup'. I had this issue.
I did this:
Went to configuration, opened my object (in your case it's 'Validable lookup'), removed parent 'Base lookup', clicked anywhere in empty space, then picked 'Base object' as a parent object, removed it as well, clicked, and returned 'Base lookup' as a parent object again)) Saved, published and that worked for me.
Alex Zaslavsky, thank you much! It finally worked =)