what are the steps to add a new dimension to the Forecast section.
Saw that "More dimensions can be added only with the development tools." in https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/sales-enterprise/7-14/forecasts-section
Please Explain.
Anitha P
* Add the new dimension to the "Dimension" table. Path - is the name of the linked column in the Opportunity object.
* Then check the "getDimensionsSchemaMapping" method in the "ForecastPage" module. Add a needed object. A linked column in the object should be named like "Opportunity"+the Path specified in the first step. "forecastEntityInCellUId" is select UId from SysSchema.
* Modify the "getDimensionsSchemaMapping". Add a new block. For example
getDimensionsSchemaMapping: function() {
var result = this.callParent(arguments);
var dimension = {
dimensionId: "79F2CC8E-FE34-4AB5-AF85-87FD3F1EF708",
//select * from SysSchema where UId = 'B6DB3526-98AA-4E4C-AE4C-2641A0919DC2'
forecastEntityInCellUId: "B6DB3526-98AA-4E4C-AE4C-2641A0919DC2"
return result;
If you face any difficulties, please debug the functionality on the client side and debug the "Execute" method in the "ForecastCalculator" class.