I add 3 buttons to customized case section.
With this code:
define("CaseSection", [], function() { return { entitySchemaName: "Case", details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/, attributes: {}, methods: { getDefaultDataViews: function() { var baseDataViews = this.callParent(arguments); baseDataViews.GridDataViewMyCases = { name: "GridDataViewMyCases", caption: this.get("Resources.Strings.MyCasesButtonCaption"), // Section header hint: this.get("Resources.Strings.MyCasesButtonCaption"), // Hint for button icon: this.get("Resources.Images.MyCasesDataViewIcon") // Image for button }; baseDataViews.GridDataViewTeamCases = { name: "GridDataViewTeamCases", caption: this.get("Resources.Strings.TeamCasesButtonCaption"), // Section header hint: this.get("Resources.Strings.TeamCasesButtonCaption"), // Hint for button icon: this.get("Resources.Images.TeamCasesDataViewIcon") // Image for button }; baseDataViews.GridDataViewManager = { name: "GridDataViewManager", caption: this.get("Resources.Strings.ManagerButtonCaption"), // Section header hint: this.get("Resources.Strings.ManagerButtonCaption"), // Hint for button icon: this.get("Resources.Images.ManagerDataViewIcon") // Image for button }; return baseDataViews; }, loadActiveViewData: function() { var activeViewName = this.getActiveViewName(); if (activeViewName === "GridDataViewMyCases") { this.loadGridData(); } else if (activeViewName === "GridDataViewTeamCases") { this.loadGridData(); } else if (activeViewName === "GridDataViewManager") { this.loadGridData(); } this.callParent(arguments); }, loadGridDataView: function(loadData) { var gridData = this.getGridData(); if (gridData && loadData) { gridData.clear(); } this.setViewFilter(this.get("ActiveViewName")); this.reloadGridColumnsConfig(false); this.reloadSummaryModule(); this.callParent(arguments); }, loadGridDataViewMyCases: function(loadData) { // "load" + DataView.name this.loadGridDataView(loadData); }, loadGridDataViewTeamCases: function(loadData) { // "load" + DataView.name this.loadGridDataView(loadData); }, loadGridDataViewManager: function(loadData) { // "load" + DataView.name this.loadGridDataView(loadData); }, setActiveView: function(activeViewName) { this.callParent(arguments); if (activeViewName === "GridDataViewMyCases") { this.set("IsGridDataViewVisible", true); } else if (activeViewName === "GridDataViewTeamCases") { this.set("IsGridDataViewVisible", true); } else if (activeViewName === "GridDataViewManager") { this.set("IsGridDataViewVisible", true); } }, setViewFilter: function(activeViewName) { // Add filter for your "DataView" var sectionFilters = this.get("SectionFilters"); if (activeViewName === "GridDataViewMyCases") { sectionFilters.add("FilterB2BType", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter( this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.NOT_EQUAL, "Status.Id", "3E7F420C-F46B-1410-FC9A-0050BA5D6C38")); } else if (activeViewName === "GridDataViewTeamCases") { sectionFilters.add("FilterB2BType", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter( this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.NOT_EQUAL, "UsrStatus", "Closed")); } else if (activeViewName === "GridDataViewManager") { sectionFilters.add("FilterB2BType", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter( this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.NOT_EQUAL, "UsrStatus", "Closed")); } else { sectionFilters.removeByKey("FilterB2BType"); } } } }; });
I defined all strings (MyCasesButtonCaption, MyCasesDataViewIcon, TeamCasesButtonCaption, TeamCasesDataViewIcon, ManagerButtonCaption, ManagerDataViewIcon) on case section structure.
But when I select one of them, the button disappears:
Can you help me?
Probably the size of the image is incorrect. Please download an image from an out-of-the-box data view and create your one with the same size and structure.
Hello Carolina.. I had the same issue before and what i discovered is that the Image should contain 2 icons as shown in the picture below; one for the icon when it is unselected and the second one is when it is selected (taking into consideration the dimensions of each icon)