Activity title in multi-languages environment


In the environment which has employees in both languages involving in the process, we got a problem that, if a process is triggered by an employee in the language A, all activities' title, dialog title,... created with the language A. In case that the dialog, or the approval request is assigned to another user in language B, those titles are still in language A

Is there any built-in way to solve this issue? In case of no way yet, can we make Activity.Title localizable? How can we update many languages of a field in the same process?


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What field is meant under 'title'? Is it Subject? If so, this is string field that will show the value set by process. If it is set in Eng - the created activity should have Subject in Eng, regardless the localization. 

Can you give some examples in the screenshots?


Thank you.



Hi Dean,

Yes, it's Subject. I know that it's a text field and not localizable. What I want is that:

- User A (language X): start the process, then a dialog is assigned to User B.

- User B (language Y): he want to see his assigned dialog's subject shown in language Y instead. 

- User A would like to check if the activity is processed or not by checking the Action dashboard, he want it to be shown in language X.


Hi Van,

Thanks for clarifying. 

Unfortunately, there is no such mechanism. The system will not be able to translate the subject\value in the string. It would necessary to have in build 'translator' directly in the system. The idea that I currently have is to use in-built browser translator that will display the value in the required language or search some similar extensions, for example for Chrome.




Hi Dean,

That's not a solution for a company with hundreds of employees. My question is that, can we make that field localizable and we can generate text in multiple languages into that field.




Hi Van,


The system has to understand somehow the subject value, its language, have its equivalent in other language and display this equivalent in particular language.  There is no mechanism to localize the string values and similar examples of custom implementations.





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