Action on edit page
20:51 Mar 11, 2021
Can someone provide me with the code to add a action to the actions on a edit page. I am trying to add this action the same way as the section page, but it does not seem to work.
Below is my code.
This is the contact page.
isCustomActionEnabled: function() { var id = this.get("Id"); return true; }, createInternalSupportTicket: function() { window.console.log("createInternalSupportTicket"); }, getSectionActions: function() { window.console.log("getSectionActions"); var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments); actionMenuItems.addItem(this.getButtonMenuItem({ Type: "Terrasoft.MenuSeparator", Caption: "" })); actionMenuItems.addItem(this.getButtonMenuItem({ "Caption": {bindTo: "Resources.Strings.RegisterInternalSupportTicket"}, "Click": {bindTo: "createInternalSupportTicket"}, "Enabled": {bindTo: "isCustomActionEnabled"} })); return actionMenuItems; },
Thanks in advance.
15:50 Mar 16, 2021
Hello Tyler,
getSectionActions is the BaseSectionV2 method and it has no implementation in the BasePageV2. You need to override the getActions method that is a part of BasePageV2. So in your case the code should be:
isCustomActionEnabled: function() { var id = this.get("Id"); return true; }, createInternalSupportTicket: function() { window.console.log("createInternalSupportTicket"); }, getActions: function() { window.console.log("getSectionActions"); var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments); actionMenuItems.addItem(this.getButtonMenuItem({ Type: "Terrasoft.MenuSeparator", Caption: "" })); actionMenuItems.addItem(this.getButtonMenuItem({ "Caption": {bindTo: "Resources.Strings.RegisterInternalSupportTicket"}, "Click": {bindTo: "createInternalSupportTicket"}, "Enabled": {bindTo: "isCustomActionEnabled"} })); return actionMenuItems; },
Best regards,
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