Export Report Builder - "BackwardCompatibilityConfirmed" property is not supported error when installing
Hi Community,
We are getting "BackwardCompatibilityConfirmed" property is not supported error when installing Export Report Builder (https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/excel-reports-builder-creatio) in a version 7.18.1 system. Any idea how to fix it as on the description the excel report builder supports version 7.10.3 and up.
Hi Fulgen,
The development team has confirmed that the app is compatible with Creatio version 8.1.0 and higher. We’ve also updated the compatibility details for this app on the Creatio Marketplace.
To install and use the app, please consider upgrading your Creatio instance to version 8.1.0 or later.
Do you have still the old version for 7.18.1? while we are still working on the updrade of our system. Thank you so much.