
Page not showing up in "Open edit page" process element

I am trying to open a page for an object that I have created in a business process, but the page isn't showing up in the dropdown menu for the "Open edit page" process element.


The closest I have come to a solution is on this post from 2020, where someone said that in order for it to show up you need to use "out-of-the-box" or "standard" tools to create the page and not development tools. 


What are these tools that I can use to create a freedom UI page that will show up?


The method I used to create the page which isn't showing up is by clicking on the "+" sign on the "Pages" tab of the object editing page.


Edit: To clarify, I'm looking to have a modal page appear as part of the process. If I create a new freedom UI section, the auto generated page will appear in the "Open edit page" dropdown, but no other pages I create for it afterwards will.

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