Freedom UI - ESQ count
Please provide me with a documentation and script that help us to count the number of records based in some conditions
Thank you,
For client side Freedom UI EntitySchemaQuery is no longer used. Instead use the Model class for client side queries. See more here:
Ryan Farley,
Thank you Ryan,
I am trying to use the ESQ for example:
const accountModel = await sdk.Model.create("Account");
const filters = new sdk.FilterGroup();
await filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "UsrREQID", customerComplaintID);
const newFilters = Object.assign({}, filters);
newFilters.items = filters.items;
const partners = await accountModel.load({
attributes: ["Id", "Name"],
parameters: [{
type: sdk.ModelParameterType.Filter,
value: newFilters
const numberOfRecords = partners.length;
const partner = partners[0];
in order to get the number of records, but the error is:
under validators section
it shows an error on sdk as below image
Thank you,
Based on the error you're getting, you are missing the "@creatio-devkit/common" from the SCHEMA_DEPS. Refer to the particle again.
However, based on the location, it's likely that something else is misaligned in the code, missing comma, curly brace, etc.
I put the below code:
validators: /**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/{
"usr.ValidateFieldValue": {
"validator": function (config) {
return function (control) {
const accountModel = await sdk.Model.create("Account");
const filters = new sdk.FilterGroup();
await filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "UsrActive", request.value);
await filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Type.Id", "05eacefd-2e8c-4187-a705-7d2c060b7794");
const newFilters = Object.assign({}, filters);
newFilters.items = filters.items;
const accounts = await accountModel.load({
attributes: ["Id", "Name"],
parameters: [{
type: sdk.ModelParameterType.Filter,
value: newFilters
const numberOfRecords = accounts .length;
if (numberOfRecords <= 3) {
return null;
} else {
return {
"usr.ValidateFieldValue": { message: config.message }
"params": [
"name": "invalidName"
"name": "message"
"async": false
and i defined this : "@creatio-devkit/common"
but the error is same as the attached image
Hello again,
I tried to put async before the function as below:
validators: /**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/{
"usr.ValidateFieldValue": {
"validator": function (config) {
return async function (control) {
var test = await request.$context.PDS_USR_rghj54;
I noticed that the role of validators has been changed,
However, I tried also to write as below code:
Remove async and await
validators: /**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/{
"usr.ValidateFieldValue": {
"validator": function (config) {
return function (control) {
var test = request.$context.PDS_USR_rghj54;
the test field returns an undefined value
how can I get the field value on the validator section
Thank you,