Transfer chats with business process
Hello! I am working on a business process that changes the chat queue of an OmniChat based on a series of customer responses. The problem is that when I change the queue in OmniChat for a record, the notification does not reach the users in the new queue. They have to refresh the page to see the chats in their queue.
Is it possible to transfer chats with a business process to route chats?
If you need to refresh the page for the data to display correctly, you can use the 'Refresh Active Page' process element for Creatio from the Marketplace. This way, you can update the page directly within the business process, and the data will be updated automatically without any user actions required.
Thank you for reaching out!
Hello Andrii Kurta,
Does the add-on only work on user pages? I need the updates to occur in the chat panel, not on the user page.
You wrote that they must refresh the page to see the chats in their queue. In that case, this supplement should help.
Andrii Kurta,
Yes, they update the chat panel by alternating their states between active and inactive (enclosed in the green box). However, since the "Refresh Active Page" add-on takes a user page as a parameter, and the chat panel does not have a user page, will the add-on still work in this case?