Hello Community,
When clicking on the 'New' button in the Invoice lookup a new Invoice with all the details from Installment plan detail is being created and auto filled . The logic behind this implementation is helpful for me to implement the same requirement for a custom object.
Thanks in Advance.
You need to study the following chain in the debugger:
1) SupplyPaymentPageV2 schema "Invoice" lookup confguration:
"Invoice": {
lookupListConfig: {
columns: ["PaymentStatus"],
filter: function() {
return this.getInvoiceLookupFilter();
updateViewModel: function() {
if (!this.Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseLookupInvoiceForSupplyPaymentDetail")) {
this.defaultModeActionButtonClickOld = this.defaultModeActionButtonClick.bind(this);
this.defaultModeActionButtonClick = function(tag) {
if (tag === "add") {
var info = this.getLookupInfo();
} else {
this.initCanEdit = function() {
this.set("canEdit", false);
in this code we can see that the logic of the "New" button was overridden that calls the _publishGenerateInvoice method once the "New" button is clicked.
2) _publishGenerateInvoice - this is a method from the SupplyPaymentPageV2 schema that performs the "CreateSupplyPaymentInvoice" sanbox message sending (BIDIRECTIONAL message type):
"CreateSupplyPaymentInvoice": {
mode: this.Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
direction: this.Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.BIDIRECTIONAL
_publishGenerateInvoice: function() {
this.sandbox.publish("CreateSupplyPaymentInvoice", null, [this.sandbox.id]);
3) The subscription to the "CreateSupplyPaymentInvoice" message is performed in the SupplyPaymentDetailV2 schema in the subscribeSandboxEvents method:
this.sandbox.subscribe("CreateSupplyPaymentInvoice", function() {
var row = this.getActiveRow();
}, this, [this.sandbox.id]);
4) Once the message is received the logic in the asyncGenerateInvoices method is executed for all active rows selected in the detail.
5) asyncGenerateInvoices - method from the SupplyPaymentDetailV2 schema:
asyncGenerateInvoices: function(collection) {
collection = collection || [];
this.index = 0;
this.existInvoiceCount = 0;
collection.forEach(function(item) {
var methods = [];
methods.push(function(next) {
this.generateInvoice(next, item);
Terrasoft.chain.apply(this, methods);
}, this);
executes the generateInvoice method for all received active rows that don't have an invoice.
6) generateInvoice is also the method from the SupplyPaymentDetailV2 schema:
generateInvoice: function(next, item) {
var invoice = item.get("Invoice");
if ((invoice === null && this.getIsFeatureEnabled("UseLookupInvoiceForSupplyPaymentDetail")) ||
(invoice && this.Terrasoft.isGUID(invoice.value))) {
error: result.ExistInvoice,
existInvoiceCount: this.existInvoiceCount
} else {
this.setAdditionAttributes(next, item);
performs data validation and executes the setAdditionAttributes method.
7) setAdditionAttributes method from the SupplyPaymentDetailV2 schema:
setAdditionAttributes: function(next, item) {
this.getIncrementCode(function(result) {
item.set("Number", result);
item.set("StartDate", new Date());
var esq = this.getSupplyPaymentProductEntitySchemaQuery(item.get("Id"));
esq.getEntityCollection(function(response) {
if (response.success) {
const products = response.collection;
item.set("ProductCollection", products);
this.insertInvoice(next, item);
}, this);
}, this);
calls the insertInvoice method for each product in the supply payment (see the getSupplyPaymentProductEntitySchemaQuery method logic).
8) insertInvoice method performs the actual invoices insert:
insertInvoice: function(next, item) {
var insert = this.getInvoiceInsertQuery(item);
insert.execute(function(response) {
if (response.success) {
var config = {
invoiceId: response.id,
id: item.get("Id"),
amount: item.get("AmountPlan"),
number: item.get("Number"),
startDate: item.get("StartDate"),
products: item.get("ProductCollection")
var invoice = {
displayValue: item.get("Number"),
value: response.id
item.set("Invoice", invoice);
if (config.products.getCount() === 0) {
this.updateSupplyPaymentElement(next, config);
} else {
this.insertInvoiceProducts(next, config);
} else {
var message = this.generateInvoiceErrorMessage(response);
}, this);
with products into invoices (according to the logic from the insertInvoiceProducts method here).
So the complete chain is: SupplyPaymentPageV2 schema "Invoice" lookup modification -> _publishGenerateInvoice -> asyncGenerateInvoices -> generateInvoice -> setAdditionAttributes -> insertInvoice. There is no article to share unfortunately, the code itself should be studied carefully to implement the same functionality in the custom detail.