Default Column for all portal users

Dear Community,


Could you please help us how we can set the default column for all portal users?


Thank you


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Hi Georges,


do you mean 'Columns setup'?

Hello Vladimir,


Yes please, in the columns setup but for all portal users

As I know, there is no 'default' columns setup for portal users.

So, we have used workaround in our projects:

1. We create one portal user, that is used for columns setup

2. We setup all columns with this user

3. We make a business process, that copies all profile data from that user to another one

We plan to make this like Marketplace addon, but not currently. So, you can try to implement the same functionality



you can try also the way we did it (actually advised by Support)…


Thank you Vladimir and Anna

Kindly note that Anna the link that you send us is related only to the case section but my section here is code: "UsrPurchaseOrderRequest"


Thank you,

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