How to create Mail Template?

In my environment it is not possible to create a Mail-Template.

The Fields "Macro source" and "Template type" are locked.

I use Version


Is this a Bug? Or a configuration problem?

I hope somebody can help me.




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Hello Oliver, 


It's expected behavior that both these fields are locked. They are predefined by the template option you've chosen while creating a new template record in "Message templates" section. By a default (in oob version of a system) 2 options are available:


Therefore, you'd need to simply choose the needed option to proceed with email template.


Best regards,



Hi Anastasiia,


thanks for your answer. But there is no option "Chat template" or "Email template". There is just a "new" Button.



I just see that there is also only a "new" button in version 8.0.5.

In Version 8.0.4. everything is as expected.


Best regards,



Oliver Herzog,




As mentioned, in oob version of a system there are two options (corresponding edit pages):


Situation from your screenshot may occur on a specific site in a result of applied customizations or modifications done from your side, for example if one of the edit pages have been deleted. Such changes (adding or deleting the edit pages) can be done through the Section Wizard of the corresponding section.


Best regards,


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