Following internal employee training


do we have the equivalent of partner "education & certification" available for employees in the the internal "employee" section ?


If not, what's the best way to replicate ?



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Hello Damien,


if I understood your question, you want to display the detail on a different section, is it correct?


If yes, there are two options.


1. You can simply open the Wizard of the page where you want to have your detail. Click on "New detail", then find it by Detail name. And the one you are looking for is Education and certificate.


2. You can create exactly the same detail. You still need to open the Wizard, click on "New Detail" but now you have to create a new one. All you have to do is open the Education and certificate detail setup and copy the parameters to a new detail. Then you will be able to display it on the page and save.






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