Clear Decimal/Integer/Currency fields By default value (0)

Hi Team,


How can we clear the value of any decimal/integer/Currency field value.

I have tried using the below given approaches for achieving this :


1. I have applied one business rule through which when the checkbox adjacent to the decimal/integer/Currency field is unchecked, the value in the decimal/integer/Currency field becomes 0.


2. setting the field value as null by code on edit page of the section



I want the field value to be absolutely cleared out and even there should not be any 0 by default value.


Please help me find any solution to this.


Many Thanks,



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Hello Sarika, 


As of now, there is no way to replace "0" with empty/blank value for columns with Integer/Decimal/Currency type as it will contradict working logic of a column (unspecified/empty value is being converted to 0). 

We already have a corresponding query registered for our R&D team to implement such functionality in the upcoming versions of the application, I will assign your request to the project in order to increase its priority.

Thank you!


Best regards,


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