Activity reminders

Hi community!

Please help me to find out where are activity reminders stored in the database?

I mean this kind of reminders ->btn_com_notification_center_reminders.png – activity reminders created for you when you are the owner or the author of the activity.

I was searching in the "Reminding" table by "SourceId" column (passing here Activity Id), but nothing was found. In the notification panel reminder appeared. Any suggestions?

Best regards,


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Hi Jana,


Sharing a little lifehack on how to track the record in the database:


1) When switching to the "Activity reminders" tab you need to have the developer console opened in the "Network" tab.


2) You need to track all the "SelectQuery" requests that were sent after the switch to the "Activity reminders" (the request is the only one in our case):

 3) Click on this request, go to it's payload and find the value for the "rootSchenaName" key:


So the table we are interested in is "Reminding".


4) Create some reminding in any activity that has no reminding (for example specify the value for the "Remind to owner date" column as current time minus 15 minutes). This action will create a new record in the "Reminding" table.


5) Go to the database and execute this query:

	TOP 1 *
	CreatedOn DESC

As a result you will find a newly created record:

Now you can easily track column references:


1) Activity Id from which you've initialized the reminding is stored in the SubjectId column;

2) The reference to the schema of the "Activity" (meaning that the reminding was created for the record in the "Activity" section) is stored in the SysEntitySchemaId column that references SysSchema table (UId column);

3) SourceId column defines if the reminding was initialized either for owner or reporter (RemindingSource table reference);

4) Description column stores the subject of an activity for which the reminder was generated.


Try this approach on your side and you will be able to easily track database tables in which data from any section/detail/tab is stored.


Best regards,


Hi Jana,


Sharing a little lifehack on how to track the record in the database:


1) When switching to the "Activity reminders" tab you need to have the developer console opened in the "Network" tab.


2) You need to track all the "SelectQuery" requests that were sent after the switch to the "Activity reminders" (the request is the only one in our case):

 3) Click on this request, go to it's payload and find the value for the "rootSchenaName" key:


So the table we are interested in is "Reminding".


4) Create some reminding in any activity that has no reminding (for example specify the value for the "Remind to owner date" column as current time minus 15 minutes). This action will create a new record in the "Reminding" table.


5) Go to the database and execute this query:

	TOP 1 *
	CreatedOn DESC

As a result you will find a newly created record:

Now you can easily track column references:


1) Activity Id from which you've initialized the reminding is stored in the SubjectId column;

2) The reference to the schema of the "Activity" (meaning that the reminding was created for the record in the "Activity" section) is stored in the SysEntitySchemaId column that references SysSchema table (UId column);

3) SourceId column defines if the reminding was initialized either for owner or reporter (RemindingSource table reference);

4) Description column stores the subject of an activity for which the reminder was generated.


Try this approach on your side and you will be able to easily track database tables in which data from any section/detail/tab is stored.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar, 


Thank you for the lifehack and detailed response! It was very useful for meyes


Best regards, 



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