Developer documentation - Develop your first application

Going through the 'Developer documentation > Getting started > Develop your first application' tutorial, I've got to 'Step 3. Add page validation', where I'm asked to edit the source code of the 'UsrGroupSections1Page' client module.  The problem is this schema does not exist, it hasn't been created in any previous steps.


Does anyone know if it is in fact possible to complete this tutorial and build the application?

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For reference and for anyone else who travels along this road, at this point in the tutorial the 'Classes' table has been for some reason renamed 'Group sections'.  To make the code work requires the parameter 'rootSchemaName' of the 'EntitySchemaQuery' to be changed:

var esqPeriodicity = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
    rootSchemaName: "UsrClass"

The column setup of the 'Group training' detail also needs to be amended from 'Group section' to 'Class'.

Dear Gareth,


Thank you for your question!


The schema which is mentioned on Step 3 is generated by the wizard on Step 1. The name can differ a little as it's generated automatically. We are sorry it's not mentioned in the article and will add this information shortly.


Kind regards,


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