Default column layout for Portal users

Dear Community,

Could you please advise on how to:

- change default section column setup for All portal users?

- change detail column setup on portal page for All portal users?


Thank you!

Best regards,


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Hello, Anna!

We have the same question now. Could you give any ideas what solution have you used?

Thank you very much!


Hi Vladimir, 


Let's say you need to configure default column setup for Portal Case section.


Here is an easy way to do it:


You open your main Case section from the main application and then you just modify an URL in order to open your Portal case section.

I.e. you change your URL from something like that 





After that you can configure the column setup the same way you do it for your main application section, i.e via "View"->"Select fields to display"

In order to configure detail column setup on a Portal case page you can do the same thing.

You open first a main Case page for some record in your main application and then you just modify an URL in order to open your Portal case page:

from something like that

.../0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/CasePage/edit/.... (your main case page)


.../0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/PortalCasePage/edit/... (your portal case page)

And then you configure details columns as usual.

Best regards,




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