Hi All,
my question is i have a business process that will run from the command line or from the section menu and i made it
this process when run must open a new record in returns section and check whether the notes field and reason fields are populated before saving .
my sol :
i made a boolean field in returns section and give it a default value with false then when the process run the value of this boolean will be changed to true and based on this i made a business role and make field required and it worked correctly .
but my Issue here is : when the process run and i click cancel the record it gives me a notification that the request is still opened and still in the notification and doesn't disappear . i want to make this notification disappear when i click cancel the request .
here are some screenshots
this when i open the process :
when the process run and open anew record and i clicked cancel here
here are the notification after cancel the record
and here are the process
any sol please
Hello Ibrahim Nour El-Din,
Currently, there's no way to cancel creating a record using "Open Edit Page" in OOB version of the system.
However, to fullfill your business task, you can create one more business process with only one element "Delete Data". You'll also need to create a parameter for Id of the record and add it to the section in section wizard.
While adding the process to the section please specify the Parameter of the process, so it looks like following :
Please note, that the user will still have to populate all required fields in order for the record to be saved and then deleted by the process.
Then, when you don't want to create a record, you execute the process and click Cancel. The notification and the record will be gone.
Best Regards,
Yurii Sokil,
ok but is there any sol using the same business process changing elements, add elements anything ?