How to disable "Save function" functionality in Section edit page schema ?

Hello Community,


I need to disable "Save function" functionality in the existing section edit page schema "TSAgreementPage".



It's very urgent requirement. Can anyone help!!


Thanks in advance.



Sarthak Jain



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Hi Sarthak,


Please debug your code and conditions since the condition below worked as expected on my end:

save: function(){
              if (this.get("Name")=="Test portal account 2"){
                return false;
              else {

In case the account name is "Test portal account 2" changes on the page won't be saved and in other cases the parent logic is called:



Best regards,


Hi Oscar,


In the attached screenshot, the save function is overridden in a third-party section edit page schema.


I want to override this save function again in my package and want to remove the logic already implemented as seen in the screenshot.


Or in other words on clicking the save function, I don't want to perform any kind of logic/checks as written in the save function of a third-party schema.


Please help me how can I override this save function to remove the implemented logic.



Best Regards

Sarthak Jain

Sarthak Jain,


Yes, the code from my example is an overridden save function from my custom package. It was used as an example to show that in case the check is passed the custom logic is executed and in case the check is not passed the base logic is executed.


In case you need to override the base logic you can override the save function, put all the code of base implementation to the overridden function and modify it there.


Best regards,


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