Automatically close the section dashboard tab container when there is no activity/any task

Hi Team,

I would like to hide/close the section action dashboard tab container in a DCM, when there is no activity/task.

please guide me the development activity required to achieve this scenario.

Also, i have attached the screenshot for the reference.

Step 1 : With Activity


Step 2 : Without Activity

Step 3: No activity Automatic close/hide

I need to achieve the step 3 without clicking on the arrow icon.


Bhoobalan P.

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Dear Bhoobalan,

Try this code:

define("OpportunityActionsDashboard", [], function() {
	return {
		messages: {
			"InitVisibilityByRights": {
				mode: this.Terrasoft.MessageMode.BROADCAST,
				direction: this.Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE
			"GetInitVisibilityByRights": {
				mode: this.Terrasoft.MessageMode.BROADCAST,
				direction: this.Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.PUBLISH
		methods: {
			 * @inheritdoc Terrasoft.BaseActionsDashboard#subscribeSandboxEvents
			 * @overridden
			subscribeSandboxEvents: function() {
				var sandbox = this.sandbox;
				var tags = [];
				sandbox.subscribe("InitVisibilityByRights", this.initVisibilityByRights, this, tags);
			 * Initializes the visibility of the panel content
			initVisibilityByRights: function(value) {
				this.set("ContentVisible", value);
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

and then modify edit page: 

messages: {
			"InitVisibilityByRights": {
				mode: this.Terrasoft.MessageMode.BROADCAST,
				direction: this.Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.PUBLISH
			"GetInitVisibilityByRights": {
				mode: this.Terrasoft.MessageMode.BROADCAST,
				direction: this.Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE
		attributes: {
			//this is the attribute that determines the visibility
			"IsColumnVisibleByOwnerOrFuncRole": {
				dependencies: [{
					columns: ["IsColumnVisibleByOwnerOrFuncRole"],
					methodName: "publishVisibilityByRights"
		methods: {
			subscribeSandboxEvents: function() {
				this.sandbox.subscribe("GetInitVisibilityByRights", this.publishVisibilityByRights, this);
			 * Publishes the visibility tag to other modules
			publishVisibilityByRights: function() {
				var moduleIds = this.getModuleIds();
				var value = this.get("IsColumnVisibleByOwnerOrFuncRole");
				this.sandbox.publish("InitVisibilityByRights", value, moduleIds);

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,


I tried this but it is not working for me. Is browser a factor for this? I am using Firefox.

Best Regards,

Lem A.

Hello Solem Khan Abdusalam,

We kindly ask you to elaborate more on this issue. Could you please specify which error did you get?

Best regards,


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