Business process to open a new record page of a given section

Hi Community,

I need to create a business process that must open a new record page of a given section [Returns] and check whether some specific fields [For eg., "Notes","Reason"] are populated before the new record is saved.

Please tell me the steps to proceed.

Thanks in advance!!


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Dear Dolly,


You case use the Open edit page element for this purpose. In my case I used Account and my process opens the Account new record page.

Once I run the process I get this page opened:


As for validation, you can just make your fields as mandatory so that the user will have to populate them before saving the record. 




Dean Parrett,


hi Dean Parrett,


i'm making the same process but i have something 

when the process run it work and open the new record and i click cancel the record it gives me a notification that the request is still opened and still in the notification and doesn't  disappear . i want to make this notification disappear when i click cancel the request 



Hello Ibrahim Nour El-Din, 

Currently, there's no way to cancel creating a record using "Open Edit Page" in OOB version of the system. 

However, to fullfill your business task, you can create one more business process with only one element "Delete Data". You'll also need to create a parameter for Id of the record and add it to the section in section wizard. 

While adding the process to the section please specify the Parameter of the process, so it looks like following : 

Please note, that the user will still have to populate all required fields in order for the record to be saved and then deleted by the process. 

Best Regards,


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