"Value <column name> not found error while trying to read a lookup column using Entity schema manager.


I have a custom lookup in a section.

Trying to read the lookup value column from source code schema using Entity schema Manager, Entity Schmea Query.

But it throws a 'Value not found'

How should we read a lookup column using Entity schema Manager.

(Tried with Id suffix to the column name too)



Anitha Premkumar

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Dear Anitha, 

Could you please check the academy article on ESQ:


If you are doing everything like in the article please check if the column that you are using in ESQ exists in the object. 

If the column exists please try to compile the configuration and update the db structure. 

If this wouldn't help please send the code of the ESQ query itself and the screenshot of the object in configuration that you are querying. 

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