OData - Attachments Upload

Hi All

I am trying to insert attachments through OData. Here is my query:

URL: https://.bpmonline.com/0/ServiceModel/EntityDataService.svc/UsrCollecti…


'Content-Type': 'application/atom+xml;type=entry'





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>










NOTE: Name, UsrAWPLogisticsPlanId and TypeId are the fields in my file section.


The above query successfully uploads a blank CSV.  Now here are my questions:

1. How can I read a local file and pass it though the XML body (the way I am passing Name, TypeId and UsrAWPLogisticsPlanId)? - So that I can upload real data instead of a blank file

2. Where is the attachment data stored? Whats the format?


NOTE: We use BPM'Online studio.

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Dear Nikhil,

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to upload files via Odata protocol on current system version. Please feel free to use FileApiService for uploading a file. Please find an example of how to call the service in the “ConfigurationFileApi” module while adding the file on “Attachments and notes” detail.

Please note that all files are saved in the database in the appropriate table. For example, files from the “Attachments and notes” tab from the Contact section are saved in the “ContactFile” table and have the object name “Contact attachment”. Please note that the column with data of the file has name “Data” and type “varbinary(max)”.

For more detailed assistance, please contact technical support.

Best regards,


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