Account folder filter in business process
I have a scenario, where I should check whether a particular account falls under a certain account folder. I could see the account folder's filter is stored as an blob object in table. Is there any way to convert this blob object to readable format and use it to check whether an account falls under it?
Dear Mohamed,
Folders are basically filters. You can set up filter to the Account object in the business process the same, as it is on the folder. In this case only needed accounts will be selected.
When you set up folder you see the filter:
Hope this solves your task,
In this case, you can receive a filter from [section]Folder table, SearchData column and deserialize it. Afterwards, use deserialized filter in the ESQ to retrieve needed records.
And an example of using on the back end you can see in the QueuesService schema in the method AddFolderEntityQueueItems:
byte [] searchData = folderEntity.GetBytesValue ("SearchData"); string serializedFilter = Encoding.UTF8.GetString (searchData, 0, searchData.Length);