issue in cases landing page


On my local machine I have landing page for cases.

All mandatory fields are set as default fields.

But once I try to submit than nothing is happening and showing below error on browser console.

Error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)


Note: This issue is not with Order and leads landing pages


Any help will be highly appreciable



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Dear Muhammad,

This error usually means that the request you sent to the website server was incorrect and the server couldn't understand it. The 400 Bad Request errors are often caused by pasting the wrong URL. Double check if the landing page field 'website domain' in bpmonline has the correct URL. Apart from that, make sure that the fields in your form are mapped correctly. Here are some more details:…

If you still face the same issue, we would like to suggest you to contact our support team via email to have a closer look to the issue in your particular environment. 

Best regards,


Hi Dean,

Thank you for the help. I found that Name, Email and phone are mandatory to use in landing form. Now the issue is gone.

Another issue, on landing form I have Account and Contact fields. I'm entering name of Account and Contact both already exist in CRM. After landing page is submitted the Account is linking with Case without creating a new Account . A new Contact is created that is linked with Case but not linked with Account. Ideally new Contact should created and should be link with Account.



Hi Dean, 

Please ignore above.

Currently I accessing landing page from my local ip that is configured in CRM landing page (Website domain).

For example ( if I browse its working fine and submission done sucessfuly.

Is it possible by accessing landing page html file cases_form.html for successful submission? If possible than what we should be entered in Website domain of landing page detail?



Dear Muhammad,

There is no other way to access the landing page. You indicated the correct path,but if you open landing page html file cases_form.html in the browser locally,the data will not be submitted into bpm online. You will get the empty message when submitting the form. It would look like this

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Noted. Thanks



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