Hi ,
Am facing difficulty in implementing default value for Lookup section filters(Status filter in Order screen). Please help me out to resolve this. The code snippet in OrderSectionV2 is given below :
name: "Status",
columnName: "Status",
caption: this.get("Resources.Strings.StatusFilterCaption"),
appendCurrentContactMenuItem: false,
dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
defValue : "1f3ad326-effd-4ac3-a3e2-957e7def3684",
addNewFilterCaption: this.get("Resources.Strings.SelectStatusCaption"),
hint: this.get("Resources.Strings.SelectStatusCaption"),
buttonImageConfig: this.get("Resources.Images.StatusFilterImage"),
Please read the academy.
Hi, Thanks for the reply. But I am asking for Filters. look up filters as i have highlighted in the code part. i gave Id value,Name value in 'defValue' property.But it din't work. Can you help in this please.
Sriraksha KS,
Please try to to read the academy and other posts on community. This will help you to resolve the difficulties much faster or even prevent them from happening at all.