I have problems with this Custom Lookup. I want to manage it through the pop-out window.
I have chenged the Access rights to match what I want. But the so called default page is not reacting to this at all. Do I need a custom page for New, Edit and Copy actions of the Lookup values?
How do I create a custom Lookup page? And do the New, Edit, Copy buttons require a custom lookup page?
I am having problems finding out how to do it. Even though I have done this before, I have forgotten.
I can't even find what I need in the academy. What I can't find does not seem to be enough https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/administration/7-13/lookup-prop…
Lookup properties:
Dear Julius,
The actions Edit, Copy, Delete are avaliable for those lookups, which are based on object with edit page. Therefore, in order to have such actions you need to create an edit page for your object.
In order to do so you need:
1. Create a new Schema of the Edit page View model
2. Indicate entitySchemaName property to the object of the lookup and create an edit page, you can take any other edit page as an example
3. Register your edit page in the SysModuleEdit table, where you indicate object - page relationship.
After this you will have the actions for the lookup. Another option to do so is to register a section for your custom object on which lookup is based. In this case edit page will be created automatically in the course of creating a section.