Putting Feed on pre-configured pages

I have a pre-configured page that is logically connected with an object and I would like to display there a feed just as it appears on its edit page. Is it possible?

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Dear Carlos,

If a page you are displaying contains Feed it will be displayed on pre-configured element. 

Angela Reyes,

How to add that on a new page though?

Carlos Zaldivar Batista,

Feed tab can be inspected in BaseModulePageV2 from ESN package. To add Feed you'll need to transfer in you page schema diff: http://prntscr.com/lei5bx, add LocalizableStrings: http://prntscr.com/lei5ip and add all methods responsible for Feed tab functionality, like loadESNFeed, getSocialFeedSandboxId, initTabs, messages (http://prntscr.com/lei64z

) and ect. 

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