Call Process from Script Task

Hi everyone,

I need to call a sub-process from a C# script task, I found this code:

var showAdressProcessUId = new Guid("abfbf7ee-e499-45e9-9d22-b9e91a46683d");
var manager = UserConnection.ProcessSchemaManager;
var schema =  (ProcessSchema)manager.GetInstanceByUId(showAdressProcessUId);
var moduleProcess = schema.CreateProcess(UserConnection);
moduleProcess.SetPropertyValue("PageInstanceId", PageInstanceId);
moduleProcess.SetPropertyValue("ActiveTreeGridCurrentRowId", ActiveTreeGridCurrentRowId);
moduleProcess.SetPropertyValue("TreeGridSelectedRowsIds", TreeGridSelectedRowsIds);
moduleProcess.SetPropertyValue("SchemaName", "Contact");
moduleProcess.SetPropertyValue("RouteMode", false);

From ShowContactAddressOnMapProcess

If I use it for my process:

var _sendMailId = new Guid("84e96844-b0ae-4edc-8b5e-20d1ba13fb8b");
var _manager = UserConnection.ProcessSchemaManager;
var _schema = (ProcessSchema)_manager.GetInstanceByUId(_sendMailId);
var _moduleProcess = _schema.CreateProcess(UserConnection);
_moduleProcess.SetPropertyValue("Test1", "Something");

Throws this exception :

Terrasoft.Common.InvalidObjectStateException: missing property "Test1" of type "ProcessComponentSet".

I would need to know how it works or another way to do it, I need to call a sub-process inside a for loop.


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Dear Ezequiel,

It is nor recommended to use sub-processes and the processes in general for such purpose. Technically you can call a business process from a business process. But if you correct the code above and execute it  the system will freeze and the processes will block each other. All users meanwhile will not be able to use the system properly.

Please adjust the business-purpose you want to achieve in order to avoid using business-processes or find another architecture solution.



I see, I'm trying to send an email inside the loop, but I can't find in any of the existing process how to send an email with a template though a script task.

If someone knows how to do it or has an example, I would appreciate it if you could explain it or show it to me.


Dear Ezequiel,

There is "Send email" BP element you can use to reach your goal. Just select in a message input "Template message" and you will be able to choose what template to use.

Peter Vdovukhin,

Yes I know, but like I said I need to use it in a for loop, with that I could use it if I had the code to call a sub-process from a script task.

Dear Ezequiel,

As you wrote to bpm'online support, let's continue our conversation there. After resolving your task I will post an answer here.

Here is a simple example I have successfully tested:

A first business process contains only script task with such code:

for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

    var _sendMailId = new Guid("cc1b3e27-4d11-4957-ac40-b22ff5b11aff");

    var _manager = UserConnection.ProcessSchemaManager;

    var _schema = (ProcessSchema)_manager.GetInstanceByUId(_sendMailId);

    var _moduleProcess = _schema.CreateProcess(UserConnection);

    _moduleProcess.SetPropertyValue("UsrTestParameter", "Letter number " + i);



A second business process with GUID = cc1b3e27-4d11-4957-ac40-b22ff5b11aff contains only Send email element that has a text parameter UsrTestParameter and use this parameter for email subject. The second business process HAS to be compiled to be called from the first business process.

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