How to execute "Raw SQL" in a script task process ...

Hi community!


How can i execute a sql query like : 

INSERT INTO [DestinationTable] (fields)

SELECT field1 field2, field3 ..

FROM [SourceTable]

I can't use ESQ and .Net "SqlCommand" class ask a SqlConnection and not a UserConnection ...

Can you help me?

Best regards,



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Hi community!

I finally found the solution!!! : using the Class CustomQuery like this:

var userConnection = Get<UserConnection>("UserConnection");

string sql =" ......."; 

CustomQuery myQuery = new CustomQuery(userConnection);

myQuery .SqlText = sql;

using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = userConnection.EnsureDBConnection())


    dbExecutor.CommandTimeout = 0;

    myQuery .Execute();


return true;

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