Need to add contact link in notification(Sidebar notification).


I need a contact link in notification(Sidebar notification).Right now i can see the link with task name.How can i add another link which directly connect with contact page?

Please find attached screen shot and help me to out from this issue.

Thank you.

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Unfortunately, we have no examples on how it can be customized if you want to add the contact link to the activity reminder you see in the Notification center. You can deploy a copy of the system (if you use cloud instance) and examine how the case notification is realized with the link to record and implement the same with contact.

Best regards,


Jaydatt N Tank,

 Were you able to realise this? I need to add account and contact to this notification and not sure how to do it. Can you please guide me?

Lily Johnson,

Can you please provide more details on how to achieve this?


In order to add a field or button to the notification you need to override the basic functionality. To do so, please create a

ReminderNotificationsSchema replacing client module. Use parent shema as an example. Add needed field.



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