Organizational Structure

Looking potential setups for the Organization Structure for some of our current non-bpm online clients.  I am curious how many levels and nodes other integrators or bpm support people have setup for their instances.  I recall some mentioning of guidelines or best practices in training.  Since this is all used for security etc., I am concerned over performance if there is too large of a structure.  What has everyone experienced with the size/setup of the Organization Structure?  I can see having 10 or up to 1,500 “nodes” setup in a tree.


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Dear Steve,

Unfortunately, we can't provide you with the exact example of another customers of ours, though we cannot recall the issues caused by too large organizational structure. According to the base system logics, the amount of the groups shoud be at least three times smaller that the amount of the system users - in this case the system would handle them properly. 



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