Community Notifications

I don' t see any settings in my profile about receiving email notifications when someone replies to a discussion thread I started.  Are they supposed to occur automatically or not at all?  If the former, I am not receiving any them.

File attachments



 There is no such functionality in the base logic. You can create a business process which will start with the signal (e.g. when the new record is added to the Feed object), than read the record and send it to the chosen email address. 


I think we missed fired here... my post refers to the "Community" or THIS forum.  For exampe, I didn't recieve an email when you posted your reply to this thread.

Hello Stephen,

Thank you for clarification. For now there is no possibility to receive notifications when someone replies to the discussion but I have registered your request to implement such functionality for our community.

As soos as this is added to the community, we will let you know. Sorry for the inconveniences.



Thanks.  You probably can a couple of other wishlist items:  sorting and flagging as "solved".  The latter would some way to flag a comment so that the thread issue has been solved etc... by the original poster???   Just some ideas...

Sorry, one more.....filtering as well.  It would be nice to just see just your postings....or what you are following.  Without email notifications or following settings, it's tough to find the relevant postings.

Thanks! I will pass these suggestions as  well!

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