Lead Owner Default Permissions

I am looking to confirm a default permission behavior for lead owners.  When setting or resetting an owner on a lead, no default permissions for that user are created for the user owner for that lead.  This is a different behavior than for example Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities, whereas these records get default permissions based on the owner (along with other permissions).  Why does the Lead object not have the same automatic behavior as the other objects concerning/setting owner permissions?  This seems inconsistent.

Of course this can be resolved via a business process, but I curious if this is intended by design or is there a configuration setting I am not aware of to enable the owner permission behavior for leads.

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Found my answer here (https://community.bpmonline.com/discussion/10192).  By setting the Owner property of the Lead object to "Owner", I get the same behavior as Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities etc...  Not a simple configration setting, but a propterty change of the object.  This change likely has to be saved in the Custom or specific custom package to stick within an instance.

I am curious that this isn't set by default to be consistent?

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for your feedback regarding this question!

For now we have a registered problem regarding this functionality, we will change this logic in the future releases. As a workaround now you can use this article https://community.bpmonline.com/discussion/10192


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