Enable Required Parameter Indicator

Processes that are designed to be used as sub-processes can become confusing because Parameters appear in alphabetical order and have no indication of which are required as inputs.  It would be helpful to have an additional checkbox setting for Required or Input in the parameter set up, especially when a process is designed to be used as a sub-process by different teams creating processes.


Dear Janine,

You can use an auto-generated page at the begining of the business process with full list of all parameters and you can specify if the field is required to fill in in this auto-generated page (see screenshot http://prntscr.com/n5tita). And you can also change the position of those parameters in an auto-generated page using "Move up" and "Move down" options. And after that you can use those parameters in next steps of a business process.

Best regards,


There are two problems with this suggestion.

1) This doesn't help for processes that are designed as subprocesses.  There is no indicator for others teams creating processes based on the processes I'm creating what parameters are input and output parameters without external documentation.

2) Mobile is not very manual start process friendly.

I would rather have a checkbox to enable a star on the parameter when the process is used as a subprocess than have to change the names of parameters to read differently.

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