
Dark ide

It'd be nice to have the option of a dark ide when editing client-side code.


Dear Tyler,


Thank you for your idea. We will register it in our backlog to consider its implementation in the future application releses.




100% yes. Also, I'd love to be able to change the font size as well.

This new code editor appears to be based off the CodeMirror JS editor, which already has support for themes (including dark themes). So already a long ways ahead to add this in Creatio. I tried modifying the CSS class to add a CodeMirror dark theme, but looks like the other theme CSS  aren't present in Creatio currently.


FYI, it looks like it's doable to load CodeMirror themes with some very small tweaks (I'm currently using the darcula theme)


Ryan Farley,

Nice! I'd be interested to learn how you did it.

I will be writing it up, however, it's quite hacky at the moment (and only doable on-prem with my current method). I'll be trying out a few other methods to see if I can find an alternative  method that can be packaged.

However, if I can't get it to work as a package, I'll definitely implement it as a browser extension.

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