When selecting Account-Account interconnection, the list of interconnection types is unpopulated


When selecting Account-Account interconnection, the list of interconnection types is unpopulated. Can it be connected with the fact that we have several Account types with their own pages?


Bpm'online might not be able to identify the entity to establish the interconnection with - an account or a contact. Consequently, filtering during selection of interconnection types is violated.

Please try verifying the addRelation() method in the BaseRelationshipDetailV2 schema by debugging. Most likely, the problem is in the following string:

var defaultValueColumnName = this.get("CardPageName") === "ContactPageV2" ? "ContactA" : "AccountA";

The defaultValueColumnName variable might receive an incorrect value. If this method (or any other functionality) is overridden in your configuration, it needs additional analysis. Make sure the openCardConfig object receives correct values as a result of method execution (it mainly concerns defaultValues). If this is not the case, override the method in the replacing client module for BaseRelationshipDetailV2 or AccountRelationshipDetailV2 and configure the parameters for a detail edit page correctly.

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