How is the [Origin] field set when a new case is created on the portal?
17:27 Feb 19, 2018
How is the [Origin] field set when a new case is created on the portal?
The origin setup is executed in PortalCasePage of the following method:
setPortalColumnValues: function() { if (this.isAddMode() || this.isCopyMode()) { if (this.Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER_ACCOUNT.value !== this.Terrasoft.GUID_EMPTY) { this.set("Account", this.Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER_ACCOUNT); } this.set("Contact", this.Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER_CONTACT); this.Terrasoft.SysSettings.querySysSettingsItem("PortalCaseOriginDef", function(value) { this.set("Origin", value); }, this); this.set("Owner", null); } }
As you can see from the code, the field value is determined by the "PortalCaseOriginDef" system setting ("Default portal case source").